Smiling young woman eating yogurt.

Nutrients That Help Keep Your Teeth Healthy

We’ve talked about foods that affect your oral health, but those discussions often boil down to the nutrients you get from those foods. Let’s take a closer look at those nutrients & exactly what foods provide them.

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Smiling mom and child holding toothbrushes

Teaching Your Child Good Dental Habits

Good dental habits like brushing your teeth are important for your oral & overall health, but to kids, they can feel like a chore. Even though baby teeth will fall out eventually, it’s important to keep them healthy because they are guides & space holders for permanent teeth. Here are some tips for teaching your kids good dental hygiene habits to solidify their oral health for a lifetime. 

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Gluten-Free Diet

The Truth About Gluten-Free Diets & Your Teeth

Gluten-free diets have taken a spotlight in recent years for many reasons. You might have noticed articles focused on these diets, with responses ranging from praise to harsh criticism. While we can’t speak to the diet’s overall merits, we can dig into how a gluten-free diet can affect your oral health.

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Woman smiling about to brush her teeth

How Whitening Toothpaste Works

Whitening toothpaste is an easy & accessible way to whiten your teeth while doing something you already do regularly—brushing your teeth! Let’s explore how whitening toothpaste works to brighten your smile. 

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Smiling Woman With Clean Teeth

Why a Dental Cleaning Is Not Just a Teeth Cleaning

Dental cleaning appointments have more than one benefit to patients. Like a spa day for your teeth, cleaning appointments include two phases—scaling & polishing—that together give you the smooth, clean teeth you expect, along with some more benefits.

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Smiling man using dental floss

What’s Your Floss Made Of?

You may know of dental floss as an essential part of your dental hygiene routine, but did you know that there are different types of dental floss? Like toothbrushes & toothpaste, which kind is best for you depends on your unique dental needs. 

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Smiling woman with gum and breath mints

The Truth About Breath Mints

Many people use breath mints to keep their breath fresh throughout the day, but did you know that breath mints can actually contribute to tooth decay?

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Happy Woman With Healthy Jaw

What You Need to Know About Your Jaw Bone

Taking care of your teeth has an unseen benefit: It preserves your jaw bone as well. Your jaw is an integral part of your oral health as it connects your teeth to your skull. Caring for your teeth is a big part of caring for your jaw, but there are some additional things you should know.

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Healthy mom holding child and smiling

The Importance of Dental Exams

You probably know that it’s important to visit your dentist regularly for teeth cleanings to help prevent tooth decay, but did you know that a visit to your dentist has other benefits?

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Smiling Woman Holding a Glass of Water

The Healing Power of Water

Water is one of the foundational substances of our planet, vital for all living things. Our bodies require water to keep all the complex systems functioning properly. Have you ever noticed that one of the most common pieces of health advice is to hydrate?

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