Couple with Dental Implants

Dental Care Concerns for Seniors

Like every other part of our bodies, our mouths change as we age. As the…

hollywood hating on root canals

Why Hollywood Needs to Stop Hating on Root Canals

Root canals have a bad reputation they don't deserve and we think Hollywood is…

friendly staff of privately-owned dental practices

Choosing Among the Different Types of Dental Practices

Most patients, especially those in suburban areas near cities, have two choices…

teeth cleanings at the dentist

Why Teeth Cleanings Are Important

Over time, plaque (a thick, bacteria-filled film) and tartar (a hard…

results from drugstore teeth whitening products

Do Drugstore Teeth Whitening Products Work?

The most effective and best teeth whitening treatment you can receive is a…

woman color matching for tooth bonding

The Fast Magic of Dental Bonding

If you need a chipped tooth repaired or want a fast and relatively affordable…

man wonders what dental fillings are made of

What Are Tooth Fillings Made Of? (Hint: Not Frosting!)

Ask anyone over the age of 40 and they'll tell you that getting a dental…

hollywood smile porcelain veneers

The Star-Studded History of Veneers

If your teeth are cracked, stained, or otherwise damaged, cosmetic dentistry…

a root canal can save your tooth

Why You Shouldn’t Fear Root Canals

Root canals have earned a bad reputation. This procedure has become the butt of…

toothbrushes dental care dentist

How to Choose a Toothbrush

Humans have been using toothbrushes to remove food from teeth for thousands of…